- 面试时长:35min
- 面试内容:全英文电话面试,tech and behavior
- self-introduction :3-4min
- Why Morgan Stanley? What is your strength according to your tech background ?
- Difference between hashtable and binary search tree, time complexity
- Operating System: Process and thread
- Language: What is the Polymorphism? Can you tell me a story to explain it
- Database: transaction
- REST API:what should you care about when you design an interface?
- Project: challenge things and how you handle it
做完笔试,收到面试的邀请时间间隔比较长,准备的还是比较仓促,虽然问的问题都是很简单,但是用英文完整有逻辑的表达出来还是很有难度的,面试过程中还是有很多磕磕绊绊。不过最后的open question环节比较愉快,面试官人总体很nice。